Jake Sulpice


The Lobster

Watched on

David and his first wife walk along the coast.

The Lobster is admittedly my first Yorgos Lanthimos film, and this unique and provocative film certainly delivered. The film’s plot explores the absurdity of societal pressures to conform to the norm, particularly concerning companionship. Colin Farrell delivers an attention-demanding performance as the awkward and unfortunate David, who faces the bizarre challenge of choosing an animal to become if he can’t find a romantic partner.

I was playing golf, and the last thing I need is some woman dying slowly and loudly.

Lanthimos’ deadpan humor and unconventional storytelling make The Lobster a dramatic and darkly comic exploration of human connection, conformity, and the lengths people will go in the name of love.

The film’s aesthetic is as deliberate and unsettling as its narrative. The sterile, clinical setting and the strange rituals and rules create a disturbing atmosphere that reinforces the sense of conformity and control. The director uses this peculiar world to examine the societal obsession with relationships and love in a satirical, innovative manner.

The Lobster is an unusual and offbeat film, and while its abnormal story might not be for everyone, those willing to embrace its quirks will find a refreshing and darkly humorous commentary on modern romance and the ridiculousness of social norms. Independent cinema thrives when directors push the boundaries of genre and storytelling; this film is a testament to that power.

If you encounter any problems you cannot resolve yourselves, you will be assigned children, that usually helps.

David and the short-sighted woman stand in the forest.
