Jake Sulpice


Copy any of the following links into your preferred feed reader.

📝 Writing: RSS | Atom

🎬 Watching: RSS | Atom

📸 Photos: RSS | Atom

What’s a feed?

Zapier - How to use RSS feeds to boost your productivity

RSS.com - How Do RSS Feeds Work?

LifeWire - What Is an RSS Feed? (And Where to Get It)

Feed Readers

Inoreader - My personal favorite and daily driver. It offers a free tier, but you’ll want to upgrade to the $10 plan.

Feedbin - Runner-up. I used to use Feedbin, but switched to Inoreader for whatever reason I had at the time. $5 per month.

Feedly - Most user-friendly, but pushes extra features on you hard. Offers a free tier, but some might find it limiting.

Miniflux - Open-source. Free if you host it yourself, or you can choose a paid hosting option. Blazing fast.

TinyTinyRSS - Open-source. Free to host yourself. Also blazing fast. Very feature rich.

Reading Apps

All apps listed are for Apple devices only, as I don’t use Android or Windows. Sorry.

Reeder - Beautiful app for connecting to your feed reading service above. I’ve been using Reeder for years now; some other apps come close, but this always comes out on top. Also lets you skip the above options altogether by using iCloud directly for managing feeds. One-time purchase fee.

Readkit - Also supports built-in RSS like Reeder. It looks great, but some of the full-text reading didn’t work well for me. Requires a cheap monthly subscription.

NetNewsWire - Free and open-source reading app. It has tons of features and works well, but it doesn’t look as pretty as Reeder.